FDA approves X4 Pharmaceuticals’ pill for ultra-rare immunodeficiency disease

X4 Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals an­nounced Mon­day morn­ing that the FDA ap­proved its dai­ly pill for WHIM syn­drome — an ul­tra-rare im­mune dis­ease named af­ter its symp­toms.

The pill, ma­vorix­afor, was ap­proved for pa­tients aged 12 and old­er with WHIM syn­drome. X4 Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals will mar­ket the drug as Xol­rem­di.

The com­pa­ny priced the med­i­cine at $496,400 per year for pa­tients more than 50 kg (rough­ly 110 pounds) and $372,300 for those 50 kg or less, ac­cord­ing to an SEC fil­ing.

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