FDA asks for public input on advisory committee reforms

As the FDA con­sid­ers an over­haul of the ad­vi­so­ry com­mit­tee process, the agency is ask­ing for pub­lic in­put on how the pan­els are used and how their pur­pose can be made clear­er.

The agency an­nounced plans to hold a pub­lic meet­ing on June 13 to dis­cuss how it can best as­sem­ble com­mit­tees and com­mu­ni­cate their pur­pose to the pub­lic, among oth­er top­ics. FDA Com­mis­sion­er Robert Califf has hint­ed at up­com­ing sys­temic re­forms to the ad­comm sys­tem and has said he’d like to move away from vot­ing in many sce­nar­ios.

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