FDA faces flatlined budget as clock ticks for Congress to pass government funding

The FDA like­ly won’t re­ceive any more funds through the end of this fis­cal year when com­pared to last year, ac­cord­ing to the first of con­gres­sion­al lead­ers’ much-an­tic­i­pat­ed ap­pro­pri­a­tions bills pack­ages ex­pect­ed to pass by Fri­day.

Law­mak­ers re­leased a six-bill pack­age of ap­pro­pri­a­tions that would al­lot the FDA about $6.7 bil­lion, in­clud­ing about $3.5 bil­lion in dis­cre­tionary fund­ing and al­most $3.2 bil­lion in user fees, which drug and de­vice de­vel­op­ers pay for the agency to re­view their prod­ucts.

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