FDA goes after websites marketing ‘unapproved’ semaglutide, tirzepatide

The FDA has is­sued warn­ings to two web­sites mar­ket­ing “re­search chem­i­cals” that pur­port­ed­ly con­tain semaglu­tide and tirzepatide, the ac­tive in­gre­di­ents be­hind No­vo Nordisk and Eli Lil­ly’s block­buster weight loss and di­a­betes drugs.

US Chem Labs and Syn­thetix (do­ing busi­ness as He­lix Chem­i­cal Sup­ply) la­bel their prod­ucts “for re­search use on­ly,” but reg­u­la­tors said in warn­ing let­ters that the “un­ap­proved” and “mis­brand­ed” drugs were clear­ly ad­ver­tised for hu­man use.

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