FDA lifts partial clinical hold on Innate’s cancer drug after patient death linked to disease progression

The FDA has lift­ed a par­tial clin­i­cal hold on In­nate Phar­ma’s IND for its po­ten­tial can­cer drug la­cu­tam­ab af­ter it first im­posed the hold in Oc­to­ber.

The agency’s hold fol­lowed a pa­tient death in In­nate’s Phase II TEL­LOMAK tri­al, which was first thought to have stemmed from he­mo­phago­cyt­ic lym­pho­his­ti­o­cy­to­sis, a rare hema­to­log­ic dis­or­der where cer­tain white blood cells build up in and dam­age or­gans.

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