FDA lifts partial clinical hold on Larimar’s Friedreich’s ataxia treatment

Lari­mar Ther­a­peu­tics’ stock $LRMR shot up by as much as 20% af­ter an­nounc­ing Mon­day that the FDA had lift­ed its par­tial clin­i­cal hold on its treat­ment for Friedre­ich’s atax­ia, a rare dis­or­der that af­fects the ner­vous sys­tem.

The com­pa­ny wrote that the FDA lift­ed the hold af­ter re­view­ing da­ta from its Phase 2 dose ex­plo­ration study for its drug nom­labo­fusp. Lari­mar’s treat­ment was put un­der clin­i­cal hold in 2021 fol­low­ing three pri­mate deaths in a pre­clin­i­cal study and then par­tial­ly lift­ed the fol­low­ing year.

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