FDA rejects motion sickness drug from Defender Pharma

Gov­ern­ment-part­nered De­fend­er Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals re­ceived an FDA re­jec­tion Tues­day for its mo­tion sick­ness pre­ven­tion drug.

“We plan on sched­ul­ing a for­mal meet­ing with the FDA to ful­ly un­der­stand the is­sues raised in the [com­plete re­sponse let­ter] so we can de­vel­op and im­ple­ment a com­pre­hen­sive ac­tion plan,” De­fend­er pres­i­dent and CEO Bar­ry Fein­berg said in a press re­lease an­nounc­ing the FDA re­jec­tion.

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