FDA reports shortage of Novo Nordisk’s weight loss drug Saxenda

No­vo Nordisk is fac­ing an­oth­er short­age of one of its block­buster drugs; this time it’s the weight loss drug li­raglu­tide, bet­ter known as Sax­en­da.

Ac­cord­ing to the FDA’s drug short­age data­base, there will be lim­it­ed avail­abil­i­ty of the 6 mg/ml ver­sion of Sax­en­da and the Sax­en­da pen through the end of the year. A No­vo Nordisk spokesper­son said that ris­ing de­mand for weight man­age­ment med­i­cines has “put pres­sure on the sup­ply” of No­vo’s weight loss prod­ucts, in­clud­ing Sax­en­da.

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