FDA slaps CVS, Walgreens and others with warning letters for unapproved eye treatments

FDA on Mon­day is­sued warn­ing let­ters to eight com­pa­nies for mar­ket­ing un­ap­proved treat­ments for eye con­di­tions.

The eight com­pa­nies — Bo­iron, CVS Health, DR Vi­t­a­min So­lu­tions, Nat­ur­al Oph­thalmics, OcluMed, Sim­i­lasan AG/Sim­i­lasan USA, TRP Com­pa­ny and Wal­greens Boots Al­liance — were warned for mar­ket­ing prod­ucts to treat con­di­tions like pink eye and cataracts with­out agency ap­provals. FDA says it’s par­tic­u­lar­ly wor­ried about these prod­ucts be­cause treat­ments ad­min­is­tered di­rect­ly to the eye by­pass some of the body’s nat­ur­al de­fens­es.

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