FDA to delete ‘You are not a horse’ post and others in ivermectin case settlement

The FDA has agreed to delete years-old so­cial me­dia posts dis­cour­ag­ing the use of iver­mectin to treat Covid-19 as part of a set­tle­ment agree­ment in Texas fed­er­al court.

The case was brought by three doc­tors in 2022 over an FDA cam­paign de­signed to com­bat mis­in­for­ma­tion around iver­mectin and dis­suade peo­ple from tak­ing it for Covid-19. The cam­paign struck an un­usu­al tone for the agency, which in­clud­ed posts such as “You are not a horse,” and “Se­ri­ous­ly, y’all. Stop it.”

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