FDA to set up new Office of the Chief Medical Officer as part of agency reshuffling

The FDA is work­ing to es­tab­lish a new of­fice — dubbed the Of­fice of the Chief Med­ical Of­fi­cer — to co­or­di­nate cross-agency op­er­a­tions amid the agency’s reshuf­fling.

The new of­fice will be housed with­in the Of­fice of the Com­mis­sion­er, and it will be staffed by re­align­ing some of the em­ploy­ees in the Of­fice of Clin­i­cal Pol­i­cy and Pro­grams, an FDA spokesper­son told End­points News. Ad­di­tion­al per­son­nel will be brought on from the Of­fice of the Com­mis­sion­er’s Im­me­di­ate Of­fice, Of­fice of Op­er­a­tions, Of­fice of the Chief Sci­en­tist, and the Of­fice of Reg­u­la­to­ry Af­fairs.

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