FDA warns Amazon and Walmart over sale of unapproved product

The FDA has hand­ed warn­ing let­ters to both Ama­zon and Wal­mart for sell­ing an un­ap­proved med­ical prod­uct.

On Au­gust 18, the re­tail be­he­moths re­ceived warn­ings from the agency con­cern­ing sales of the prod­uct “Nat­urasil Mol­lus­cum Treat­ment Kit,” which is in­tend­ed to treat mol­lus­cum con­ta­gio­sum and is an un­ap­proved new drug. Mol­lus­cum con­ta­gio­sum is an in­fec­tion com­mon­ly found in chil­dren and comes from a poxvirus that caus­es skin le­sions.

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