FDA warns two websites selling Novo, Lilly blockbuster weight loss drugs

The FDA on Tues­day re­leased two warn­ing let­ters for web­sites sell­ing unau­tho­rized ver­sions of the block­buster weight loss and di­a­betes drugs con­tain­ing semaglu­tide, like Ozem­pic and We­govy.

The two let­ters dat­ed Oct. 2 said the FDA has ob­served that www.go­ril­la­heal­ing.com and www.se­ma­space.com have in­tro­duced in­to in­ter­state com­merce un­ap­proved and mis­brand­ed ver­sions of No­vo Nordisk’s block­busters Ozem­pic, Ry­bel­sus and We­govy, as well as Eli Lil­ly’s Moun­jaro (tirzepatide).

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