FDA’s updated rules for drug advertising for TV and radio near the finish line

It’s been more than 10 years since the FDA last gath­ered pub­lic com­ments on TV and ra­dio pre­scrip­tion drug ad­ver­tis­ing changes. But now it’s mov­ing for­ward on a pro­pos­al aimed at mak­ing the ads more “clear, con­spic­u­ous and neu­tral.”

The Of­fice of Man­age­ment and Bud­get is re­view­ing the fi­nal rule, ac­cord­ing to the Of­fice of In­for­ma­tion and Reg­u­la­to­ry Af­fairs’ web­site, which would re­vise the reg­u­la­tions around how a drug’s most im­por­tant risks are pre­sent­ed in ads. The rule change’s sta­tus was first re­port­ed by STAT.

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