Federal court judge rules in favor of Otsuka’s Taiho in Lonsurf patent suit

A Delaware fed­er­al judge ruled Tues­day that the patent for Tai­ho On­col­o­gy’s can­cer drug Lon­surf will con­tin­ue to be up­held for an­oth­er six years, notch­ing a win for the Ot­su­ka unit.

Lon­surf is ap­proved alone and in com­bi­na­tion with oth­er drugs for the treat­ment of metasta­t­ic col­orec­tal can­cer (mCRC).

Tai­ho sued sev­er­al US- and In­dia-based gener­ics mak­ers be­gin­ning in 2019, in­clud­ing Eu­gia Phar­ma Spe­cial­ties, In­tas Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, Ac­cord Health­care, MSN Lab­o­ra­to­ries and Nat­co Phar­ma, af­ter they filed AN­DAs for a gener­ic ver­sion of the drug with the FDA.

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