Federal judge grants pause to Pfizer, BioNTech in Covid-19 patent lawsuit trial brought by Moderna

A fed­er­al judge has ruled that Mod­er­na’s law­suit against Pfiz­er and BioN­Tech will be put on hold, while the US Patent and Trade­mark Of­fice re­views pe­ti­tions brought against two of the three Covid-19 vac­cine-re­lat­ed patents that Mod­er­na feels have been in­fringed.

In a rul­ing pub­lished Fri­day, a Mass­a­chu­setts fed­er­al judge said de­lay­ing the law­suit un­til the Patent Tri­al and Ap­peal Board makes its de­ci­sion would “sim­pli­fy the is­sues in this case.”

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