Ferring Pharmaceuticals lays off 134 employees between NJ and MN locations

Fer­ring Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals is let­ting go of 79 em­ploy­ees at its Par­sip­pa­ny, NJ, lo­ca­tion in March next year, ac­cord­ing to a New Jer­sey WARN no­tice, as well as an­oth­er 55 at its Ro­seville, MN, plant.

Ac­cord­ing to lo­cal re­port­ing, the Ro­seville em­ploy­ees will be let go start­ing Feb. 5. The lay­offs amount to about a quar­ter of the po­si­tions at the site, said tele­vi­sion sta­tion KSTP.

Fer­ring did not im­me­di­ate­ly re­spond to an End­points News in­quiry about the cuts.

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