First Keytruda biosimilars move into clinical trials as Merck pushes ahead with new formulation

At least three com­pa­nies have start­ed or are about to start tri­als of Keytru­da biosim­i­lars in what’s ex­pect­ed to cre­ate a wave of less ex­pen­sive com­peti­tors for Mer­ck’s block­buster im­muno-on­col­o­gy drug.

The biosim­i­lars are be­ing test­ed by Sam­sung Bioepis, San­doz and mAbx­ience Re­search, all with es­ti­mat­ed pri­ma­ry com­ple­tion dates in mid-2025, ac­cord­ing to Clin­i­cal­Tri­, the US gov­ern­ment data­base.

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