Florida adds neglected FOIA requests to amended lawsuit against FDA over drug imports

The state of Flori­da on Mon­day again took a swing at the FDA, al­leg­ing in an amend­ed law­suit filed in a Flori­da dis­trict court that ear­li­er this year the agency failed to re­spond to sev­er­al Free­dom of In­for­ma­tion Act re­quests re­gard­ing drug im­por­ta­tions.

Flori­da Gov­er­nor Ron De­San­tis signed leg­is­la­tion in June that would al­low the state to im­port drugs from Cana­da to treat a range of con­di­tions, in­clud­ing HIV and di­a­betes, in an ef­fort to save tax­pay­ers mon­ey and ex­pand ac­cess to med­i­cines, the law­suit states. But the state al­leges that the FDA, which must ap­prove im­por­ta­tions, has held up Flori­da’s plan.

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