Florida judge dismisses Novo Nordisk lawsuit over compounded semaglutide, but company plans to file again

No­vo Nordisk is plan­ning to file an amend­ed com­plaint against a Flori­da com­pound­ing phar­ma­cy it claims is il­le­gal­ly mak­ing a ver­sion of its block­buster weight-loss and di­a­betes drugs, af­ter the judge grant­ed a mo­tion to dis­miss the case last week.

In Ju­ly, No­vo filed a se­ries of law­suits against com­pound­ing phar­ma­cies, in­clud­ing three in Flori­da and one in Ten­nessee. The drug­mak­er ac­cused the them of il­le­gal­ly sell­ing drugs that they claim con­tain semaglu­tide, the pri­ma­ry in­gre­di­ent in No­vo’s block­busters We­govy, Ozem­pic and Ry­bel­sus.

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