Following controversy, new Biogen director Susan Langer won fewest votes from shareholders

Af­ter her con­tro­ver­sial nom­i­na­tion by Alex Den­ner to Bio­gen’s board, Su­san Langer was elect­ed this week with few­er votes than any oth­er mem­ber of the eight-per­son group.

Ac­cord­ing to an SEC fil­ing, 64 mil­lion shares were vot­ed in sup­port of her join­ing the board, with 46.6 mil­lion against and 8.5 mil­lion ab­sten­tions.

Langer is a biotech ex­ec­u­tive and for­mer Bio­gen cor­po­rate de­vel­op­ment leader who is al­so said to be the ro­man­tic part­ner of Den­ner, the long­time Bio­gen di­rec­tor who, ac­cord­ing to the com­pa­ny, pro­posed her as his re­place­ment. Her ré­sumé in­cludes stints across Bio­gen, a life sci­ences VC firm with her broth­er and work at var­i­ous oth­er biotechs.

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