Fore scores $75M Series D, tees up new leadership with ex-Elevation CEO Shawn Leland at the helm — for now

Fore Bio­ther­a­peu­tics has reeled in a $75 mil­lion Se­ries D, and its CEO Matthew Ros is walk­ing off the course for “oth­er pro­fes­sion­al pur­suits,” the Philadel­phia drug de­vel­op­er said Wednes­day morn­ing.

Orig­i­nal­ly an Is­raeli di­ag­nos­tics com­pa­ny known as Nov­el­lus, Fore made the tran­si­tion to phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals a few years ago, dri­ven in part by its li­cens­ing of a Dai­ichi Sankyo BRAF in­hibitor in 2020.

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