Former Alexion VP pleads guilty to insider trading on Portola buyout

A for­mer Alex­ion ex­ec­u­tive con­fessed to in­sid­er trad­ing by shar­ing con­fi­den­tial com­pa­ny in­for­ma­tion in 2020 dur­ing a crim­i­nal hear­ing at a New York fed­er­al court on Sept. 15.

Joseph Dupont ad­mit­ted he had tipped off a friend about Alex­ion’s plan to buy Por­to­la Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals in what he de­scribed as a “se­ri­ous er­ror in judg­ment,” as re­port­ed by Law360. Alex­ion was snapped up by phar­ma gi­ant As­traZeneca for $39 bil­lion in 2021.

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