Former Google AI leader lands $100M Series A raise for ‘biological software’ startup

Jakob Uszko­r­e­it, one of the peo­ple who laid the ground­work for gen­er­a­tive plat­forms such as Chat­G­PT, has se­cured $100 mil­lion in a Se­ries A raise for an AI biotech start­up that aims to dis­cov­er new ther­a­pies and vac­cines.

Pa­lo Al­to-based In­cep­tive was es­tab­lished in 2021 by CEO Uszko­r­e­it and CBO Kevin Heyries, for­mer co-founder of an­ti­body com­pa­ny Ab­Cellera. The fund will sup­port In­cep­tive’s AI plat­form that de­signs mR­NA mol­e­cules to be li­censed to phar­ma com­pa­nies for clin­i­cal tri­al in­ves­ti­ga­tion.

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