Former Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes is banned from federal health programs for almost a century

Fol­low­ing her con­vic­tion on fraud charges, for­mer Ther­a­nos CEO Eliz­a­beth Holmes has been ex­clud­ed from par­tic­i­pat­ing in fed­er­al health­care pro­grams — in­clud­ing Medicare and Med­ic­aid — for 90 years, HHS In­spec­tor Gen­er­al Christi Grimm said Fri­day.

The penal­ty is decades longer than the five-year statu­to­ry min­i­mum for an ex­clu­sion based on sim­i­lar con­vic­tions. But the HHS of­fi­cial said that “when cer­tain ag­gra­vat­ing fac­tors are present, a longer pe­ri­od of ex­clu­sion is jus­ti­fied,” in­clud­ing the length of time the acts were com­mit­ted, in­car­cer­a­tion, and the amount of resti­tu­tion or­dered to be paid.

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