From the editor: Our final edition of Endpoints MarketingRx

To our Mar­ket­ingRx read­ers —

Last week, we made the de­ci­sion to shut down End­points Mar­ket­ingRx. Over the last year, End­points News has put more re­sources in­to our core bio­phar­ma and health­care cov­er­age, and in­to work where we’re see­ing the most sig­nif­i­cant read­er in­ter­est and sup­port.

We’ll con­tin­ue to cov­er com­mer­cial com­pe­ti­tion and strat­e­gy — in fact, we’re adding re­sources to do so — but as a part of a broad­er sto­ry about how drug prod­ucts are sold. If you haven’t al­ready, I’d en­cour­age you to sign up for our main End­points newslet­ter or our phar­ma re­port cov­er­ing com­mer­cial and reg­u­la­to­ry is­sues. You can click here to up­date your sub­scrip­tion pref­er­ences.

Endpoints News

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