From the newsroom: Endpoints wins a SABEW award for general excellence

On Thurs­day, End­points News won a gen­er­al ex­cel­lence award from the So­ci­ety for Ad­vanc­ing Busi­ness Edit­ing and Writ­ing, and was a fi­nal­ist in an­oth­er cat­e­go­ry for our re­port­ing on rare dis­eases.

The awards hon­or the best busi­ness jour­nal­ism of the year. Re­ceiv­ing a top award from SABEW — our first — is a tes­ta­ment to the staff here and how hard they work every day to bring our read­ers ex­clu­sive news, smart analy­sis and in-depth re­port­ing on the most im­por­tant events in biotech, phar­ma and health­care.

Here’s what the judges had to say:

End­points, which cov­ers the in­ter­sec­tion of sci­ence, health­care and busi­ness, of­fers a blend of scoopy news and so­phis­ti­cat­ed en­ter­prise. The cov­er­age is smart, com­pre­hen­sive and in­no­v­a­tive. A “Slack In­ter­view” fea­ture, for ex­am­ple, of­fers a fresh take on the tra­di­tion­al busi­ness Q&A. It’s easy to see why End­points is a go-to for in­dus­try read­ers.

It’s al­ways been my be­lief that the busi­ness of health­care was some­thing that re­quired deep fo­cus, smart jour­nal­ists and meet­ing our so­phis­ti­cat­ed au­di­ence where they are. The world has long de­served a bet­ter class of spe­cial­ty pub­li­ca­tion, and I’m glad to see our work over the last year rec­og­nized.

We’ve got a great 2024 planned, and you can ex­pect more great cov­er­age like our in-depth re­port­ing on the US gov­ern­ment’s pres­sure on Wuxi, the shake­up at the top of bio­phar­ma’s $100 bil­lion club, our unique Slack in­ter­views with in­dus­try lead­ers, and our dai­ly cov­er­age of every­thing im­por­tant that hap­pens in bio­phar­ma. And in the com­ing days, we’ll an­nounce a new newslet­ter to bring you more in­sights and analy­sis di­rect­ly from our jour­nal­ists.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the re­porters, ed­i­tors and busi­ness staff who make us what we are. And thank you to the sub­scribers and part­ners who sup­port us — we couldn’t do it with­out you. (If you’re not a sub­scriber, what bet­ter time to be­come one?) Thanks for read­ing!
