Frontier Medicines raises $80M, enters clinic and eyes potential IPO in Q4 or early 2025

Fron­tier Med­i­cines, a bi­coastal biotech cre­at­ing co­va­lent small mol­e­cules, has se­cured $80 mil­lion in Se­ries C funds and dosed the first pa­tient in its ini­tial clin­i­cal tri­al as it looks to cre­ate a next-gen­er­a­tion KRAS treat­ment be­hind Am­gen and Bris­tol My­ers Squibb-ac­quired Mi­rati.

The South San Fran­cis­co and Boston biotech has had crossover in­vestors since its Se­ries A, giv­ing the 100-per­son start­up some wig­gle room to go pub­lic when the time and mar­ket con­di­tions are right, CEO Chris Var­ma told End­points News in an in­ter­view. With its first batch of clin­i­cal da­ta ex­pect­ed by year’s end, Fron­tier could chart an IPO lat­er this year.

Endpoints News

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