FTC doubles down in Welsh Carson anesthesia case to limit private equity’s physician buyouts

Lina Khan’s Federal Trade Commission is eager to make Big Physician a lot smaller.

Last September, the FTC sued private equity firm Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe and U.S. Anesthesia Partners, alleging the two parties conspired to create monopolies for anesthesia services. Both Welsh Carson and USAP have tried to get the case thrown out, but the FTC recently doubled down. The agency asked the judge last month to ignore those companies’ pleas, calling their arguments “unavailing” in recent legal filings.


It’s not surprising the FTC is spending more time and resources on a lawsuit it initiated. But experts say the agency’s meticulous arguments and persistence to put Welsh Carson and USAP’s business strategy on ice sends the clearest warning yet: Firms that try to consolidate markets for physician services as a means to jack up prices won’t get away without a fight.

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