Fujifilm is all in on ADCs, to sell ‘trust’ to boost manufacturing revenues

Fu­ji­film Diosynth Biotech­nolo­gies will re­ceive “ag­gres­sive” in­vest­ment over the next three years from its par­ent com­pa­ny to lift rev­enues, as the CD­MO arm em­pha­sizes its track record and “trust” as sell­ing points to clients.

Fu­ji­film Hold­ings spelled out its vi­sion for growth up to 2030 on Wednes­day and, if ex­e­cut­ed as planned, Fu­ji­film Diosynth could rake in as much as 700 bil­lion yen ($4.5 bil­lion) in rev­enue by 2030, which is a 40% in­crease from 2023. Fu­ji­film will cap­i­tal­ize on the high de­mand for com­mer­cial man­u­fac­tur­ing of an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gates, ac­cord­ing to the pre­sen­ta­tion.

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