Fujifilm makes $200M manufacturing investment while Novartis pours $80M+ into China facility

Fu­ji­film Cor­po­ra­tion is in­vest­ing $200 mil­lion in­to two of its sub­sidiaries to ex­pand its cell ther­a­py con­tract de­vel­op­ment and man­u­fac­tur­ing, the com­pa­ny an­nounced Mon­day.

The in­vest­ment will go, in part, to­ward its new head­quar­ters for Fu­ji­film Cel­lu­lar Dy­nam­ics, which de­vel­ops and man­u­fac­tures hu­man-in­duced pluripo­tent stem cells and iP­SC-de­rived cells. The head­quar­ters will be 175,000 square feet in Madi­son, WI, and will dou­ble its man­u­fac­tur­ing ca­pac­i­ty for iP­SC-de­rived cell ther­a­pies. It’ll be op­er­a­tional in the spring of 2026.

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