Fujifilm may cut 240 workers and rebuild early-stage biologics, CGT unit

Fu­ji­film Diosynth Biotech­nolo­gies is re­struc­tur­ing its small-scale busi­ness unit and po­ten­tial­ly lay­ing off as many as 240 staffers as re­duced in­vest­ments for ear­ly-stage as­sets con­tin­ue.

The work­force cuts, which can help the com­pa­ny “man­age its op­er­a­tional and fi­nan­cial per­for­mance,” will af­fect em­ploy­ees at Fu­ji­film’s sites in Teesside, UK; Col­lege Sta­tion, TX; Raleigh, NC and Wa­ter­town, MA, ac­cord­ing to a Tues­day press re­lease. At the end of 2023, the Japan­ese com­pa­ny em­ployed near­ly 73,000 peo­ple world­wide.

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