Gabrielle Union-Wade promotes self-advocacy at media agency health event

Ac­tor and pro­duc­er Gabrielle Union-Wade of­ten turns to so­cial me­dia for health ad­vice. Her mes­sage to health­care and phar­ma mar­keters? Do bet­ter.

Union-Wade took the stage at Pub­li­cis Health Me­dia’s 2024 Health­Front event last week to dis­cuss women’s care, self-ad­vo­ca­cy and phar­ma mar­ket­ing. Best known for her roles in sit­coms and films such as “Bring It On,” the ac­tress spoke about her ex­pe­ri­ence be­ing di­ag­nosed with per­i­menopause and, more re­cent­ly, an au­toim­mune is­sue.

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