Galapagos seeks ‘strategic options’ for Jyseleca as JAK inhibitor sales disappoint again

Gala­pa­gos is as­sess­ing “var­i­ous strate­gic op­tions” with Jy­s­e­le­ca, the JAK in­hibitor that once in­spired block­buster pro­jec­tions but re­peat­ed­ly dis­ap­point­ed.

The Bel­gian biotech at­trib­uted the move to the EU’s re­cent rec­om­men­da­tions to lim­it the use of JAK in­hibitors, not­ing ma­jor side ef­fects such as ma­lig­nan­cy, ma­jor ad­verse car­dio­vas­cu­lar events, se­ri­ous in­fec­tions, ve­nous throm­boem­bolism and even death in some pa­tients.

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