Galderma renews annual breast cancer awareness campaign with personal stories of survivors

Gal­der­ma’s an­nu­al push, and fund­ing do­na­tion, for breast can­cer aware­ness dur­ing Oc­to­ber this year is fo­cused on the per­son­al sto­ries of sur­vivors who’ve used its aes­thet­ics prod­ucts to feel their best dur­ing treat­ment.

The cam­paign “Fac­ing Breast Can­cer To­geth­er,” part­nered with the Na­tion­al Breast Can­cer Foun­da­tion (NBCF), be­gins next week with so­cial me­dia posts of the five women, but the theme is al­so meant to shine a light on the fam­i­lies, friends, loved ones and oth­ers serv­ing as a com­mu­ni­ty of sup­port.

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