Galecto axes lead candidate in lung disease after PhIIb miss, stock craters

Galec­to scrapped de­vel­op­ment of its lead can­di­date af­ter the drug missed the pri­ma­ry end­point in a mid-stage lung dis­ease tri­al and said it is “eval­u­at­ing re­source al­lo­ca­tion” to ex­tend its cash run­way in 2025.

The com­pa­ny said Tues­day the GALAC­TIC-1 tri­al had test­ed in­haled galectin-3 pro­tein in­hibitor GB0139 in id­io­path­ic pul­monary fi­bro­sis (IPF), fail­ing to show a re­duc­tion in forced vi­tal ca­pac­i­ty from base­line over the course of 52 weeks. The Phase IIb tri­al en­rolled 173 pa­tients.

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