Galera considers ‘strategic’ options; Novo partners with French biotech; AnHeart gets $40M

Plus, news about Imag­ine Phar­ma.

Galera to seek ‘strate­gic al­ter­na­tives’ af­ter FDA re­jec­tion: The com­pa­ny said Tues­day that the FDA asked for an­oth­er Phase III tri­al for ava­sopasem in pa­tients with head and neck can­cer and ra­dio­ther­a­py-in­duced se­vere oral mu­cosi­tis. The reg­u­la­tor had re­ject­ed the ther­a­py back in Au­gust. Galera, which has now al­so halt­ed two stud­ies for ru­cosopasem man­ganese, is con­sid­er­ing strate­gic op­tions, in­clud­ing a merg­er, sale or di­vesti­ture. Its stock fell 55% on Tues­day morn­ing.

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