Galera Therapeutics to cut 70% of staff in wake of rejection for radiotherapy complication treatment

Galera Ther­a­peu­tics is chop­ping 70% of its staff in the wake of a sting­ing FDA re­jec­tion for its ex­per­i­men­tal treat­ment for a ra­dio­ther­a­py com­pli­ca­tion that caus­es dif­fi­cul­ties eat­ing and drink­ing.

The FDA late Wednes­day re­ject­ed Galera’s ava­sopasem man­ganese, or ava­sopasem, for the treat­ment of head and neck can­cer pa­tients with ra­dio­ther­a­py-in­duced se­vere oral mu­cosi­tis (SOM), which can oc­cur af­ter re­ceiv­ing ra­di­a­tion and some­times re­quires pa­tients to be on feed­ing tubes.

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