Gamida Cell to go private; Stoke aims to raise $75M

Plus, news about a TUD­CA study, PDS Biotech­nol­o­gy and Al­lar­i­ty Ther­a­peu­tics:

Gami­da Cell to go pri­vate: The com­mer­cial-stage cell ther­a­py biotech will no longer trade on the Nas­daq af­ter High­bridge Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment, its prin­ci­pal lender, re­struc­tures the com­pa­ny. The pen­ny stock $GM­DA was down 84% in Wednes­day trad­ing. Gami­da se­cured FDA ap­proval for its cell ther­a­py Omisirge in April. Then, in Jan­u­ary, it said it was “ac­tive­ly pur­su­ing” al­ter­na­tive routes to keep go­ing. — Kyle LaHu­cik

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