Gene editing company Metagenomi submits IPO paperwork in third planned biotech listing of 2023

Metageno­mi sub­mit­ted its plans for an ini­tial pub­lic of­fer­ing on Fri­day night, in what would be one of the on­ly pre­clin­i­cal gene edit­ing biotechs to IPO in the past two years as in­vestors have cooled on the cat­e­go­ry.

The biotech ex­pects to list on the Nas­daq as $MGX, af­ter rais­ing more than $400 mil­lion in pri­vate cap­i­tal. Its biggest cur­rent eq­ui­ty hold­ers in­clude Bay­er, Hum­boldt Fund, Mod­er­na, Sake Hold­ings, So­zo Ven­tures and RA Cap­i­tal, ac­cord­ing to a se­cu­ri­ties fil­ing.

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