Genentech adopts racial justice lens for new funding that goes beyond typical health equity grants

Genen­tech is start­ing a new kind of health eq­ui­ty fund look­ing through a racial jus­tice lens that it hopes oth­ers in the in­dus­try will fol­low.

It re­cent­ly launched the Com­mu­ni­ty Health Jus­tice Fund, which is aimed at ad­vanc­ing eq­ui­ty in health­care by fund­ing groups work­ing for racial jus­tice, but not al­ways di­rect­ly tied to health­care.

It’s fund­ing St. Louis non­prof­it We­pow­er, which is work­ing to build new ed­u­ca­tion and eco­nom­ic sys­tems for the Black and Lati­no com­mu­ni­ties there. An­oth­er grantee among the 10 first fund­ed is Texas-based Go Austin/Va­mos Austin (GA­VA), work­ing to strength­en lo­cal com­mu­ni­ties through im­proved nu­tri­tion, child care re­sources, neigh­bor­hood sta­bil­i­ty and eq­ui­table pol­i­cy ad­vo­ca­cy.

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