Genentech yanks Gavreto’s rare thyroid cancer indication, months before handing it back to Blueprint

Roche sub­sidiary Genen­tech is yank­ing Gavre­to’s ac­cel­er­at­ed ap­proval for a type of thy­roid can­cer af­ter de­ter­min­ing a con­fir­ma­to­ry study is no longer fea­si­ble.

The ki­nase in­hibitor, al­so known as pralse­tinib, will no longer be avail­able to adults and kids 12 years and up with ad­vanced or metasta­t­ic re­arranged dur­ing trans­fec­tion (RET)-mu­tant medullary thy­roid can­cer (MTC), Genen­tech’s part­ner Blue­print Med­i­cines re­vealed in an SEC fil­ing Fri­day. The an­nounce­ment comes just a few months af­ter Genen­tech said it would hand Gavre­to’s rights back to Blue­print, end­ing a years­long col­lab­o­ra­tion ef­fec­tive next year.

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