George Church-endorsed startup seeks ‘alternatives’; DOJ closes Onpattro marketing investigation

NeuBase is putting up the “For Sale” sign, rough­ly 10 months af­ter lay­ing off most of its em­ploy­ees.

The Di­et­rich Stephan biotech, whose gene edit­ing ad­vi­so­ry board is chaired by George Church, said it would ex­plore “strate­gic al­ter­na­tives” while halt­ing all drug de­vel­op­ment, ac­cord­ing to a press re­lease. NeuBase did not set a timetable for any po­ten­tial move and not­ed in the re­lease that it can’t say for cer­tain a deal will be com­plet­ed “on at­trac­tive terms, if at all.”

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