German ADC biotech Tubulis raises $138M to enter the clinic and expand in US

Mu­nich-based Tubu­lis has brought in promi­nent Eu­ro­pean and US in­vestors to back its work in an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gates, which have tak­en on­col­o­gy R&D by storm.

The biotech raised $138.8 mil­lion in what it called a Se­ries B2. The round gives Tubu­lis the fi­nan­cial flex­i­bil­i­ty to be open about its next steps, in­clud­ing the po­ten­tial for an IPO in the US, co-founder and CEO Do­minik Schu­mach­er said in an in­ter­view with End­points News.

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