GHMC healthcare network expands south, partners with Mexico-based agency

The Glob­al Health Mar­ket­ing & Com­mu­ni­ca­tions (GHMC) phar­ma and health­care agency net­work is go­ing south to Mex­i­co and Latin Amer­i­ca with its lat­est part­ner ad­di­tion. The group is adding strate­gic con­sult­ing agency Im­prove Co­mu­ni­ca­ciones, based in Mex­i­co, to its rolls.

Im­prove Co­mu­ni­ca­ciones be­comes GHMC’s ex­clu­sive part­ner in Mex­i­co and will al­so con­nect and cross over clients in Latin Amer­i­ca where GHMC al­ready counts ex­clu­sive agency part­ners in Ar­genti­na, Brazil, Chile and Colom­bia, as well as North Amer­i­ca.

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