Gilead axes PhIII trial for CD47 drug in latest setback for $4.9B buyout

Gilead will scrap one of three Phase III tri­als for ma­grolimab, the an­ti-CD47 drug at the heart of its $4.9 bil­lion ac­qui­si­tion of Forty Sev­en three years ago, while car­ry­ing on with the oth­er two.

In a late Fri­day state­ment, Gilead at­trib­uted the de­ci­sion to “fu­til­i­ty based on a planned analy­sis.” The tri­al be­ing stopped, EN­HANCE, was study­ing the use of ma­grolimab plus a type of chemother­a­py called azac­i­ti­dine (Vi­daza) in pa­tients with high­er-risk myelodys­plas­tic syn­dromes, or MDS.

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