Gilead closes $247M HIV drug settlement deal

A Cal­i­for­nia fed­er­al judge on Fri­day ap­proved a near­ly $247 mil­lion plan to set­tle claims that Gilead wrong­ful­ly kept gener­ic HIV com­peti­tors from the mar­ket.

Gilead will pay the amount to a set­tle­ment fund, which rep­re­sents about 11.9% of the dam­ages plain­tiffs were seek­ing at tri­al. Pur­chasers of Gilead’s HIV treat­ments filed suit in 2019 al­leg­ing the com­pa­ny had a “stran­gle­hold” on the com­bi­na­tion an­ti­retro­vi­ral ther­a­py mar­ket, caus­ing con­sumers to pay in­flat­ed prices and sti­fling in­no­va­tion.

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