Gilead emphasizes inequities in HIV, hep C and cancer through ‘margin’ book project

A new Gilead book about peo­ple liv­ing with se­ri­ous dis­eases is writ­ten in the lit­er­al mar­gins of each page. Called “From the Mar­gins,” the dig­i­tal and phys­i­cal ver­sions of the book fea­ture the sto­ries of six mar­gin­al­ized peo­ple liv­ing with HIV, he­pati­tis C or can­cer print­ed around the edges of each page.

Gilead UK de­vel­oped and pro­duced the book to jump­start con­ver­sa­tions around the in­equal­i­ties in health­care sys­tems through the eyes of peo­ple who’ve been “pushed to the mar­gins be­cause of their so­cial class, race, eth­nic­i­ty, sex­u­al­i­ty or pover­ty,” David Olu­so­ga, a well-known British his­to­ri­an, film­mak­er and au­thor, writes in the book’s fore­word.

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