Gilead partners for ballroom dancing workshop on sexual health and HIV prevention

Ja­son A. Ro­driguez is a long­time vogue ball­room dancer, teacher and ac­tor — and now a Gilead col­lab­o­ra­tor for a new kind of ball­room house the phar­ma com­pa­ny calls the “House of Healthy­sex­u­al.”

Ro­driguez will host a spe­cial event next week in New York, spon­sored by Gilead, to con­nect with the LGBTQ+ ball­room com­mu­ni­ty through vogue dance lessons while al­so shar­ing oth­er dancers’ ex­pe­ri­ences and talk­ing about the im­por­tance of sex­u­al health and HIV pre­ven­tion.

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