Gilead settles with Maryland distributor over alleged counterfeit HIV drugs

Gilead’s years­long le­gal bat­tle against what it said was a traf­fick­er of coun­ter­feit HIV med­i­cines is com­ing to a close.

The phar­ma com­pa­ny struck a set­tle­ment deal with Mary­land-based phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal dis­trib­u­tor Safe Chain So­lu­tions and its own­ers Patrick and Charles Boyd on Tues­day, bar­ring them from sell­ing Gilead prod­ucts. Lit­i­ga­tion against dozens of oth­er de­fen­dants is on­go­ing.

Gilead filed suit against Safe Chain in 2021 af­ter re­ceiv­ing com­plaints from pa­tients about “au­then­tic-look­ing” bot­tles of Gilead HIV meds that were filled with the wrong drug. In some cas­es, Gilead said the bot­tles con­tained high-dose tablets of an an­tipsy­chot­ic called que­ti­ap­ine, com­mon­ly sold un­der the brand name Sero­quel.

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